[Nov 2024] Check out SketchAgent, a language-driven agent that create and refine sketches through interactions with users.
[April 2024] We introduce MAIA, a Multimodal Automated Interpretability Agent that solves interpretability tasks by iteratively designing experiments on other AI systems.
[Feb 2024] Why does fine-tuning LLMs work so well? Our ICLR'24 paper reveals it's not about introducing new mechanisms but enhancing the existing ones!
[Jan 2024] Check out our new paper: A Vision Check-up for Language Models, to be presented at CVPR'24!
[Dec 2023] MIT News covers our recent work on Automated Interpretability Agents (AIAs)
[Sep 2023] FIND a new benchmark for evaluating automated interpretability methods, was accepted to NeurIPS!
[June 2023] Internal Diverse Image Completion is presented by Noa at CVPR
[Dec 2022] SinGAN follow up paper BlendGAN for smooth image blending across time and space
[Sep 2022] I joined Antonio Torralba's lab as a postdoc
[Oct 2021] Our paper GANs Spatial Control via Inference-Time Adaptive Normalization was accepted to WACV
[Sep 2021] Our works on single audio generative model and deep self-dissimilarities were accepted to NeurIPS
[Jun 2021] Check out our new paper about learning a generative model from a single short audio source
[Mar 2021] Our ASAPNet paper was accepted to CVPR
[Oct 2020] I participated in the IMVC2020's GANs panel
[Aug 2020] We are organizing the Deep Internal Learning (DIL) workshop in conjunction with ECCV 2020 (check out my joint keynote with Tomer)
[Jan 2020] I received the Adobe Research Fellowship
[Jan 2020] I gave a talk about SinGAN at the Israeli Computer Vision day
[Nov 2019] SinGAN won ICCV’19 Best Paper Award (Marr Prize)!
[Aug 2019] I participated in the Google Student Retreat at London, for Women Techmakers Scholars (now called Generation Google Scholarship), and met an amazing group of women from all over Europe, the Middle East and Africa
[July 2019] I am interning at Adobe Research Seattle for summer 2019, working with Eli Shechtman, Michaël Gharbi, and Richard Zhang